Babies / Family / Marriage / Parenting

The HutchLife Family is Growing

When we first got pregnant with Baby HutchLife it was a surprise. We were told in October 2017 that I would not be able to have kids and was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome).  The doctor told me I could start medication when I was ready to give my body the possibility of getting pregnant. With that possibility there was a 25% chance that I would get pregnant and if I got pregnant a 25% chance that we would get pregnant with twins and if the pregnancy continued there was a 25% that I would have a miscarriage. Mr. HutchLife and I thanked the doctor for the information and said we would talk it over and get back to him. 

Walking to the car after the doctor we busted out laughing at the possibility of not being able to have kids to having twins, HA! On the ride home we talked about doing what the doctor recommended. We talked about what taking all the medications would do to my body, my emotions and the toll it would take and I will never forget what Mr. HutchLife said to me that day. He said, “Mrs. HutchLife I love our life and I love you. You are enough. If we don’t have kids life will still be great and we can sow into other kids, our nieces and nephews. God will show us how to help others, especially where we are in life right now. We were 1 month away from debt freedom at that point. We thanked God for His continual goodness, called the doctor back the next day and let him know we would not be taking any medication. 

Fast forward 6 months later we were visiting friends in Ohio and I was super tired and couldn’t stand the smell of certain foods. Not even thinking pregnancy was a possibility I thought I was suffering from acid reflux for the few weeks prior. I was taking Pepto Bismol, drinking spoonfuls of molasses and anything else to help deal with it. When we got back from the trip to Ohio I was at work, went to the Health Center and asked for Pepto Bismol. The nurse said to me, “Are you sure you’re not pregnant?” I responded confidently, “Absolutely not, I can’t have kids.” She said, “ I think you should take a pregnancy test.” I laughed. After that conversation I told Mr. HutchLife what she said and he said hmmmm. On the way back home from school that evening I bought a pregnancy test to take when we got home. We got home and I took the test and it said pregnant. Of course, being me, I went and bought 2 more and took them and they both said pregnant. We were having a baby that the doctor told us 6 months ago was not possible. As it turned out at the point in time I was 9 weeks pregnant. December 2018 Baby HutchLife was born. Blown away and grateful is an understatement. She has been such a joy to our lives. 

Here we are entering 2020 and expecting LittleBit HutchLife (to be referred to as LittleBit HL going forward.) Can we believe it?? NO! Baby HutchLife was a miracle and I thought that was it. LittleBit HL was a surprise just like Baby HL was. AGAIN I did not recognize the pregnancy symptoms but Mr. HutchLife did LOL! I assumed because I had started working, barely got to eat at work and didn’t get my regular naps that was why I was tired, exhausted and nauseous. So Sunday, November 10th Mr. HutchLife said, “Are you pregnant?” I said, “Of course not!” Then I said wait, let me take the last test we have, left over from testing to see if we were pregnant with Baby HutchLife. I couldn’t even pee and the test said pregnant. So just like me, I went and bought two more tests and lo and behold they said pregnant too. 

How did I not know I was pregnant? When you’re told you can’t get pregnant and you accept the diagnosis, you move forward. I was content with life and loved the life we had. We started planning how we would give of the money we had and were making and how we would help others. When Baby HutchLife came, we started changing our financial goals to move along with our now family of 3. We were happy! Life was great! Baby HutchLife is an ABSOLUTE JOY! Now we are expecting LittleBit HL and just like with Baby HL we will not be finding out the sex until the baby comes in June. To say we are OVERJOYED at the opportunity to become a family of 4 does not adequately state how we are feeling.

Being debt free and able to raise 2 children with a new legacy brings tears to my eyes. For both pregnancies when we found out money was not a concern or worry because as Mr. HutchLife likes to say, we are comfortable. We don’t have to worry about hospital costs, we don’t have to worry about buying what we need for our children. If you told me 2 years ago this is where we would be I would have laughed in your face. January 2018 kids were the last thing on our minds. We were completing our Emergency Fund and planning our trips for the next couple of years to travel the world. We won’t be doing those trips as soon as we thought, but we will be doing them. At this moment those are not our priority and that’s ok. We’ve shifted gears and are adjusting how quickly we want to meet our goals.  

When changes occur in your life do you re-evaluate, re-adjust or change your financial goals?