We all know Tai & Talaat from His & Her Money (https://www.instagram.com/hisandhermoney/) and the journey that they are on not only getting out of debt but sharing tips, tools, and resources to help us get out of debt and stay out of debt. They are empowering couples to build a better financial future and help others too. They reached out to us in 2017 to share our story with them for their podcast. After working hard and being diligent we paid off $111,000 in debt in 21 months. Seeking God’s wisdom and direction on the journey to debt freedom He showed up and showed out for us. We share how God can and does amazing things like move our timeline from 36 months to 21 months to pay off debt and helping us become more disciplined not just with the money He gives us but in other aspects of our lives. Little became much in His hands.
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